Bitzer Marine cold storage compressor 6F-50.2Y-40P 6G-50.2Y

4.00 out of 5
(1 条用户评价)


Bitzer Marine cold storage compressor 6F-50.2Y-40P 6G-50.2Y

库存 1000 件



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The prices shown in this mall do not include a variety of miscellaneous fees, international logistics costs, taxes and fees, to buy refrigeration compressors can contact the mall customer service communication and consulting!
Transaction mode: you can commission a freight forwarder and our transactions to calculate all kinds of costs, no commissioned freight forwarder by our designated freight forwarder transactions to calculate all kinds of costs
Transportation: land, sea, air, railroad transportation
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重量 89 公斤
尺寸 52 × 53 × 10 厘米

Black, Blue, Pink


L, M, S

Bitzer Marine cold storage compressor 6F-50.2Y-40P 6G-50.2Y 有 1 个评价

  1. 4 out of 5


    nice product.


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